Male William R Ward

William was born in 1852.

General Notes

Birth was registered between Oct-Dec 1852 in Hastings Registration District.
1881 Census shows that he was 29 years of age, born in Hastings, Sussex and was living at 4 Lomas Buildings, Stepney, London (off Ben Jonson Road).
1891 Census shows that he was 37 years of age, born in Dover, Kent and living in 45 Knott Street, Stepney, London.

Occupation Details

shown in the 1881 Census as an Export Packer
1891 Census shows that he was a Labourer.
Parish records show that he was a Warehouseman at the time of his son, Charles' marriage to Isabella Piper.

Death Notes

Still researching.

William's family with Christina J ?????

William and Christina were married.  They had five sons and two daughters, named William, Charles, Robert, Ralph, Samuel, Christina and Louisa.
Still researching.


Male William John Ward
William was born in 1874.

Male Charles Henry Ward
Charles was born in 1876.

Male Robert John Ward
Robert was born in 1878.

Female Christina Jane Ward
Christina was born in 1881.

Female Louisa Jane Ward
Louisa was born in 1885.

Male Ralph James Ward
Ralph was born on March 8th, 1888.

Male Samuel Alfred Ward
Samuel was born in 1891.