Ralph James Ward
Ralph was born on March 8th, 1888. Ralph's father was
William R Ward and his mother was
Christina J ?????. He had four brothers and two sisters, named
Christina and
Louisa. He was the sixth oldest of the seven children.
Birth was registered between April-June 1888 in Mile End Registration District.
1891 Census shows that he was 3 years of age, born in Mile End, London and living in 45 Knott Street, Stepney, London.
1901 Census shows that he was 13 years of age, born in Stepney, London and living in 45 Knott Street, Stepney, London.
1911 Census shows that he was born in St Georges, London and living in 11 Dunstan Buildings, School House Lane, Ratcliff, Stepney, London
1939 Register shows that he was living in 37 Galt Street, Stepney, London.
Occupation Details
1911 Census shows that he was a Warehouse Man.
1939 Register shows that he was the owner of a Newsagent, Tobacconist and General Shop.
Death Notes
Death was registered Oct-Dec 1941 in Stepney Registration District at 53 years of age.
Died at the age of 53 in 1941.
Ralph's family with Nellie Golder
Ralph and
Nellie were married in 1911. They had a son and two daughters, named
Nellie and
Marriage was registered between Oct-Dec 1911 in West Ham Registration District.