We have created this website to display our family tree which seems to originate in the Essex and Suffolk area. We have a list of both the surnames GOODY and GOODEY because we have found that there have been many occurrences of mispelling the surnames particularly between GOODY and GOODEY. As you will find in our family history and genealogy the use of both GOODY/GOODEY has occurred between parents and their children. There are many instances of the clergy misspelling the surnames of individual children when there were christenings of large families, of which there were many in those days.
For those of you who have just begun to research your genealogy you may well find that this researching can become obsessive. Those that have been researching their family history for some time will deny this but they are in denial.
If you do not see your surname on the list below you may find it if you click on Unknown Home Page button. In this area there are several family trees that we have not yet been able to link to us but perhaps with your help we can all find that link.
We have obtained our information for our family tree from various sources, ie the family, official government resources on the internet, various local authority archives and parish records. We know that we do not have all the information that we would like and, therefore, if you wish to add to the tree please sign our guestbook.
Where the full name of a person is unknown or we were unable to read it on the records you will find ?????? to indicate this. We will update this site as information is gained.