Along the Way
All sorts of little snippets we found whilst researching our family tree, some sad,
some funny, some tragic but all true.
Anyone for a drink
Marriage of Sarah Goody to Robert Papple
The fathers occupations were shown in the marriage register as follows: John Goody, Temperance Hotel Keeper. William Papple, Licensed Victualler.
This needs work on it
Building of Sudbury Union Workhouse
On 5th October 1836, the architect found faults in some of the brickwork including arches at the centre of the building which had to be rebuilt. The clerk of the works was dismissed for being incompetent, but his successor turned out to be illiterate.
Nothing like telling it how it is
In the Stebbing Church burial records there is an entry as follows:
November 8th 1722 Buried a Bastard Child of Lucy Choppons (a common whore) begotten on her body by William
Marriot Junr of Great Canfield in Essex.
Doom and Disaster
After being convicted of the murder of Mr Steele at the Old Bailey John Holloway and
Owen Haggerty were sentenced to death. On 23rd February 1807 at their execution
28 spectators were trodden to death.
Last seen in public
Michael Barrett Fenian was found guilty of the Clerkenwell explosion at the Old Bailey
and was the last person to be publicly executed in England on 26th May 1868.
The next execution was carried out in private on 13th August 1868 after Thomas Wells was
found guilty of murdering Mr Walsh the stationmaster at Dover.
Mistakes are made
In the burial records of All Saints Church, Springfield, Essex there is the following entry:
NB Samuel Archer Aged 140 years August 31st 1684 was buried in this parish.
There is a moral to this story
This is an exact copy from the Chelmsford Chronicle dated January 18 1799 and written in All
Saints Church, Springfield Burial records.
A private, Charles Montague, in the Surry Regiment of militia, was drowned in our navigable
canal, so long ago as Saturday se'nnight, but the body was not found till the Saturday
following. It appears that the deceased was skaiting and reading at the same time, when, just
below Mr Marriage's, the continual stream coming from the mill into the naviagable cut, caused
the ice to be so thin as not to bear his weight, but broke in with him. A person in the mill
missed the deceased on a sudden but supposing him to have quitted the ice, thought no more of
it, until enquiry being made, as to lead to the discovery of the body. The deceased in his
last moments seems to have made great effort to save his life, the ice being much broken
around the spot, but the place was again frozen over. He was buried January 14 1799 per
coroner's warrant in Springfield Church Yard with military honours.
Absent Friends
This is an exact copy of a letter from Thomas Ferguson, Secretary to the Committee relative to
the British Prisoners in France, Committee Room, Lloyds Coffee House, London dated 9th April
1811. Received by Henry Gretton, Rector of the parish of Springfield, Essex on 16th April 1811.
Reverend Sir,
I am directed by the Committee to acknowledge the receipt of £17 13s 6d being the amount of a Collection made at the parish of Springfield, Essex towards the relief of the British Prisoners in France.
The Committee further direct me to return their thanks to you and the other Contributors for the humane attention paid to the sufferings of our unfortunate countrymen now confined in France.
I have the honour to be Reverend Sir Your Obedient Servant,
Thomas Ferguson
Till Death Us Do Part - For Now ???????
Fleet marriages and the State Lottery brought ruin to many people.
Before the Marriage Act of 1758, though against the canons, marriage
was valid without banns or licence, at any hour, in any building, and
without a clergyman.
In 1686 and 1712 fines were imposed on such marriages, and they
became a civil offence, but fines, like ecclesiastical penalties,
were useless against those who had neither money, liberty nor credit
to lose. Prisons and their precincts, being sheltering places for
illicit traffic of all kinds, these marriages flourished especially
in the rules of the Fleet prison; they were also performed in the
Rules of the King's Bench, and in the Mint in Southwark, and by
certain clergymen who chose to consider themselves outside episcopal
A trade sprang up in the tenements and alehouses in the Rules of the
Fleet, and pliers or touts competed for custom. Pennant describes
Fleet Street as it was before 1753: "in walking along the street in
my youth ... I have often been tempted by the question,`Sir, will you
be pleased to walk in and be married ?' Along this most lawless
space was hung up the frequent sign of a male and female hand
conjoined with `Marriages performed within' written beneath. A dirty
fellow invited you in. The parson was seen walking before his shop,
a squalid profligate fellow clad in a tattered plaid night-gown, with
a fiery face and ready to couple you for a dram of gin or a roll of
There were endless ramifications in the evil consequences of these
marriages. Entries in the Fleet registers could always, for a
consideration, be forged, antedated, or expunged. The practice was a
direct incitement to bigamy, fictitious marriage for purposes of
seduction, or marriage as the result of a drunken frolic.
It's Not Fair in Castle Hedingham, England
The once useful Cow Fair became a thing of the past and so noted for being a great
rendez-vous of vice, drunkenness and immorality that the lord of the manor
abolished both it and St James' Fair altogether. It is indeed a melancholy
reflection that a sad account will one day have to be rendered for deeds done
on that little spot of ground. I might here allude to the drinking habits of
those older times, in connection with this fair. Several cottagers, on payment
of a small licence, were allowed to sell beer during fair time on their premises.
This was notified by an oaken bough being placed in the ground at the garden gate
or front door, and from this such cottages were called "bough-houses". Vice and
profligacy were rampant there under the shelter of the "bough", and the scenes
outside were sufficient indication of the orgies within. But King Beer was a
great potentate in those days ruling over the sturdy labourer in every
circumstance from the cradle to the grave. The hilly road side a little past
the green is still called Cow Fair Hill.
Pulling the Wool over their Eyes
Acts of 1666 and 1678 encouraged the wool trade by laying down
that bodies were not to be buried in anything but wool and the relatives
had to make an affidavit before a justice or failing him a clergyman
within eight days of the funeral stating that the law had been complied with. At
the end of the service the clergyman would ask "Who makes the affidavit?" The
making of a satisfactory reply was indicated in the register by the words
affidavit or an abbreviation. The Act was repealed in 1814 but was by then
virtually a dead letter.
The Quick and The Dead
The words below were actually recorded in the Burial Register
of Bobbingworth, Essex in 1837.
George Speed, 55, (died suddenly)
The Weaker Sex 1897 Style
Reputation of Bryant and May Match girls 10/6/1897.
Bryant and May have a rough set of girls. There are 2000 of them
when they are busy. Rough and ready but not bad morally. They
fight with their fists to settle their differences, not in the
factory for that is forbidden, but in the streets when they leave
work in the evening. A ring is formed they fight like men and are
not interfered with by the police.
Where have I heard this before?
Millwall Football Club 28/5/1897
Occasional license is no longer granted to supply beer on the
Athletic ground during football matches. This has diminished
drinking on match days as there are many more people who would drink
than can be supplied on the premises.
So Tragic
Epping burial records show October 1st 1856 - Sarah Fardell, aged 74,
long-time schoolmistress in Epping died in London Hospital from injuries
from a crushed foot from the drawbridge at London Docks after catching her foot.
Sex Discrimination 1897 Style
Penbury Arms, Amhurst Road, Hackney 10/11/1897. At the Penbury Arms
there are 7 bars two of which are reserved for men only. One is for jugs
and bottles. Women are never allowed in the mens compartments
not even wives of customers.