Frederick Kamber Forbes
Frederick was born on July 27th, 1908.
He was baptized on 25th September 1908.
Marriage records show that he was 21 years of age in 1929 at the time of his marriage. He is shown as having been born in Parrsboro, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, Canada. His parents names are shown as John Alexander Forbes and Effie Ann Llewellyn.
Frederick is shown as having been born in Parrsboro, Hants County, Nova Scotia, Canada.
He was a former warden and choir member of St. Luke's Anglican Church. He was an employee of Halifax water and sewer department for many years,retiring last year.
Occupation Details
Marriage records show that he was a Labourer
Chronicle Herald, Tuesday, September 24, 1974, pg. #29; 6040, NSARM, Halifax, Nova.Scotia, Canada.
OBITUARY: F. Kamber Forbes
Frederick Kamber Forbes, 66, of 11 Walker Street, Dartmouth, died Monday in Annapolis Royal Hospital.
The body is at B.D. Hatfield Funeral Home, Granville Ferry. Funeral service will be held Wednesday at 3:30 p.m., in Christ Church, Karsdale, Rev. David C. Reid officiating. Burial will be in church cemetery.
Died at the age of 66 in 1974.
Frederick's family with Ethel Tabner
Frederick and
Ethel were married. They had a son named
Marriage records show that they were married on 29th December 1929 in Granville Ferry at the residence of the clergyman, Charles W Neish
The religion is shown as being Church of England.
Ethel is shown as residing in Granville Ferry, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia, Canada, her religion is shown as being Baptist.
Forbes is shows as residing in Parrsboro, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, Canada, his religion is shown as being Church of England.
The witnesses were Odelia Tabner and Florence M Neish.