Birth was registered between Jan-Mar 1907 in Mile End Registration District.
1911 Census shows that he was 4 years of age and living in Mile End Old Town, London.
Parish records at the time of his marriage show that his father's name was John William Bull who was a Stoker.
His mother's name was Mary Priestley.
Occupation Details
Parish records at the time of his marriage to Louisa show that he was a Motor Dealer.
Still researching
John's family with Louisa Goody
John and
Louisa were married on June 3rd, 1933. They had a daughter named
Marriage was registered between April-June 1933 in Stepney Registration District.
Parish records show that they were married in St Paul's Church, Bow Common, London on 3rd June 1933 by R J Goodwin.
They were both living at 23 Huddart Street, London at the time.
The witnesses were J W Bull and M A Bull.