Percy William Bailey
Percy was born on October 11th, 1900.
Birth was registered between Oct-Dec 1900 in Mile End Registration District.
His parents names were Thomas Jenkins Bailey and Mary A ?????
1901 Census shows that he was 5 months of age, born in Mile End, London and living in 79 Emmott Street, Stepney, London.
1911 Census shows that he was 10 years of age, born in Stepney, London and living in 7 Maritime Street, Mile End, London.
1939 Register shows that he was living in 37 Emott Street, Stepney, London.
Occupation Details
1939 Register shows that he was a Provision Warehouseman.
Death was registered between April-June 1981 in Stepney Registration District.
Died at the age of 81 in 1981.
Percy's family with Alice Elizabeth Ward
Percy and
Alice were married in 1925. They had a daughter named
Marriage was registered between July-Sept 1925 in Mile End Registration District.