Male John George Hill

John was born on June 12th, 1896.

General Notes

Birth was registered between Jan-Mar 1897 in Stepney Registration District.
His father's name was William Hill and he was a Labourer.
1939 Register shows that he was living in 74 Duckett Street, Stepney, London.

Occupation Details

Parish records at the time of his marriage to Isabella and his son, John Charles' christening show that he was a Sailor.
Parish records at the time of his son, William's christening show that he was a Labourer.
Parish records at the time of his daughter, Isabella's christening show that he was a Docker.
1939 Register shows that he was a Casual Dock Labourer.

Death Notes

Still researching.

John's family with Isabella Caroline Ward

John and Isabella were married on July 3rd, 1921.  They had three sons and three daughters, named John, William, Joseph, Isabella, Elizabeth and Esther.
Married at St Faith's Church, Shandy Street, Stepney by F P Hook.
John was 25 years of age
Isabella Caroline was 23 years of age
John and Isabella Caroline were both living at 74 Duckett Street at the time of their marriage.
The witnesses were John Frederick Thompson and Esther Milly Thompson.


Male John Charles Hill
John was born on November 19th, 1921.

Male William Hill
William was born on March 31st, 1923.

Male Joseph Hill
Joseph was born on January 9th, 1925.

Female Isabella Caroline Hill
Isabella was born on August 10th, 1926.

Female Elizabeth Louisa Hill
Elizabeth was born on January 30th, 1928.

Female Esther Christine Hill
Esther was born on February 16th, 1930.