Fanny Goody
Fanny was born on December 7th, 1842.
Birth was registered between Oct-Dec 1842 in Stepney Registration District.
Parish records show that she was christened in St Dunstan & All Saints Church, Stepney on 26th December 1854 by J H Edwards and that she was born on 7th December 1842. She was 12 years old when she was christened. She was residing at 3 Wellington Place, Stepney at the time. Her father was a bricklayer/builder.
1861 Census shows that she was 17 years of age and living in Mile End Old Town Eastern, Middlesex.
Death Notes
Death was registered between Oct-Dec 1879 in Mile End Registration District at 37 years of age.
Died at the age of 37 in 1879.